Tuesday, April 8, 2014

PowerArchiver 14.05.01 FULL
PowerArchiver 14.05.01 FULL
PowerArchiver is a professional compression utility, easy to use and filled with features. PowerArchiver offers superior ZIP and ZIPX format support compared to other archivers.
PowerArchiver offers hundreds of features, yet remains easy to use, small and fast. Novice users will find a familiar interface complete with tutorial and detailed help, while more experienced users can take advantage of full Explorer integration, multiple encryption methods and advanced compression algorithms.

Feature PowerArchiver :

- Fastest multicore ZIP/ZIPX engine with best ZIP/ZIPX support.
- Advanced ZIP/ZIPX AES encryption with FIPS 140-2 validation.
- Create ZIP, ZIPX, 7-Zip, ISO, CAB, TAR and open 30+ formats.
- RAR 5.x support and fastest RAR extraction.
- Full Windows 7/8 support with UAC elevation and VSS.

PowerArchiver 14.05.01 FULL : DOWNLOAD
- Encryption Tool – Improves PGP/GPG compatibility and usage.
- Improved ZIP handling – Added compatibility with ZIP files that have : in the file list.
- PA Cloud – Better 125 dpi support.
- RAR support – Improved progress bar behaviour when single large file is being extracted.
- Many small improvements and fixes – Over 40 improvements and fixes to every part of PowerArchiver.
Password : allsoftware72
PowerArchiver 14.05.01 FULL Title : PowerArchiver 14.05.01 FULL
Description: PowerArchiver 14.05.01 FULL PowerArchiver is a professional compression utility, easy to use and filled with features. PowerArchiver of...
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